Friday, November 30, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Self Portrait Project


I was not particularly excited to do this project. 
I am very comfortable being behind the camera. I am alright at being in front of the camera. But, I have trouble with the idea of doing both. Over the period of time I had to do this project, my family was away for the break, and so I didn't have the familiar comforts of my own home to place myself in for these photos. However, I think they turned out alright. 

One of the ideas I toyed with here was the blur. I've come to a point in my life where everything is sort of whizzing too rapidly for me to sometimes keep track of, so the blur is sort of my visual attempt to convey what my brain feels like. Another pattern in these photos is the 'looking down' shot; apart from the fact that I find these photos extremely powerful, I suppose this can be linked to the fact that I'm not particularly extroverted. I'm introspective and I over analyze quite a bit, so it sort of makes sense to use that type of photo as a representation of that. Yes. My guitar is another thing that makes an appearance. I can't really say any more about that than that music is such a huge key factor in my life, and to not use the guitar in this project would be silly. 

In the end, this project wasn't as taxing as I thought. It sort of gave me a tremendous sense of self satisfaction to have captured a successful image of myself. (Especially the blur photos - those were tricky.) But, yes. Self photos, man. What are they? I don't even know. But this project was interesting. I'm glad we were assigned it. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Niamh - A Portrait Project





My sister Niamh (neev) has always been my favourite subject to do portraits of. She is so remarkably photogenic, and she's fantastic fun to interact with from the other side of the camera. In these photos, Niamh was photographed from three different locations. The first was at one of my other sister's cyclocross races. Niamh was chilly, and her eyes were really bright, so I really wanted to take advantage of that. The photos from there were all pretty candid on account of, we were in a public place and posing for photos probably would have been frowned upon. The next location was in the dining room while she was doing her homework. She was really looking for anything to distract her from her work, so she was acting rather goofily during those photos. She didn't expect me to catch some of her funny faces, but alas, I am too sneaky. Finally, I photographed her one morning as soon as she woke up to eat her breakfast. I love these ones, because she's really too tired to process the fact that she's being photographed, so she just sort of looks adorably out of it the whole time. Yes. I really just love to photograph Niamh, and I'm very happy that she got to be a part of this class's projects. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


How would you define beauty in photography? Can something ugly be photographed and considered beautiful? Why? How? 

I'm going to start with the second part of this. See, my issue with this question is that it implies that things can be ugly. This is just not something I can bring myself to agree with. If you think about it, there isn't really anything that every single person who looks at it can agree to be 'ugly'. There are different aspects of different things that different people will find beautiful. I really think it's impossible to label anything as 'ugly'. The world is a gorgeous place.

So, for the beauty thing.
A beautiful photo is a photo that makes you feel something.
Whether it be happiness or sadness or nostalgia, or whether it makes you uncomfortable or it just makes you calm down, a photo that triggers emotion is a photo that is beautiful. 

Leanne Miller Photography
Leanne is a good friend, and I admire her photography so very much. These photos are a collection from her 365 project of last year. I find them all very beautiful.