Friday, October 12, 2012


These images are of photograms. A photogram is the result of leaving different objects on top of a piece of photo paper and left under light for different intervals. Many people opted to use actual objects for this, but I chose to utilize torn pieces of towel roll. 

Honestly, I'm not really sure what I was going for here. In the positive version of this (the bottom one), I can sort of see the kind of map that you look at when you are trying to see how tall the mountain ranges are. I prefer the negative version of this, however, mostly because it looks more friendly. 

There is so much you can do with photograms, and I'm excited to do some more eventually. Once you get the idea, all you can think about is different ways to stack things on your paper. I'll take a whack at this again sometime. Yes. It's nifty. 

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